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"This is an awesome book... Continue to let God use you, Mommy. Because somebody out there needs to read this... Share share! Now you're ready to proceed with caution and face what lies ahead, spiritually and mentally. Have a seat in your chair, bed, or car. And get ready for an outpouring of the principles and passion of ANOTHER!!!" #Thisgirlcan  Lady Nakia Relefourd

"An encouraging, inspiring book that will motivate others to know and understand the “whys” of Another!!"  Pastor Brenda D. Rogers

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Principles are not dependent on the assignment, the assignment however will reflect the principles which are within

This optimistic array of excavation principles are derived from a personal relationship with the Father

The pain you felt in your marred state is the incentive or fire starter to ignite the passion needed for your next kingdom assignment.

Change is inevitable and must occur for the proper expansion of promise and the proposed fulfillment of purpose


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"If you have ever struggled to understand the changes that come with the different seasons of life this is a MUST read. Dr. BJ's exposive and powerful third installment in the trilogy "The Principles and Passion of Another" is a candid look at God molding us into the next chapter of life through the pain and release of the old into the joy and promise of the new."  Min. Lisa Woullard Fairley, Greater Grace Chapel Agent of Faith

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